Customer Onboarding

The following steps are required in order to onboard a customer into Threatrix Hybrid, begin running scans and accessing that data through our API

  • Create your customer organization in Threatrix Hybrid

  • Add a GIthub Personal Access Token

  • Setup scanning

  • Customer merges PRs in Github

  • Scan data appears in Threatrix Hybrid

Let's get started!

Create an organization manually

A customer account must first be created within Threatix Hybrid before running scans or creating scan events. Customer accounts may be manually created or programmatically created through the API.

Access your Thrreatirx Hybrid instance through your browser at https://{YOUR_SERVER}/create-account

  • Access your Thrreatrix Hybrid instance through your browser at https://{YOUR_SERVER}/create-account

  • Enter the organization name and name of the Administrator.

  • Click "Sign Up" to create the account.

Create an organization with API

See API documentation for creating an organization

GitHub Personal Access Token

In order to run scans against repositories that are stored in Github, Threatrix must have permission to access those repositories. Your customer can grant those access permissions by providing a Personal Access Token created on GitHub.

A Personal Access Token is required for Threatrix to access the Github API to perform tasks including creating Github action workflows and pull requests.

While a standard user(human) can create a personal access token for use within Threatrix, we recommend that your customers create a separate account that will be used specifically for Threarix and/or other services which act as a bot within Github.

More details are available here:

The customer-created personal access token must then be added to their account.

Add Github Personal Access token to Threatrix

Once your customer has provided you with a Github Personal Access Token(PAT), this token may be added to Threatrix manually or through the API

Manually adding Github Personal Access Token

  1. Login as your customer

  2. Navigate to Profile -> SCM Accounts Tab -> Add SCM Account

  3. Under Github, add your customers PAT and select Save

Adding Github Personal Access Token through the API

See documentation for adding personal access tokens

Setup Scanning

Github repositories to be scanned should be provided by your customer and should include only repositories with source code.

Target repositories may be selected either manually or through the API.

Manual GitHub repository scanning setup

  1. Log into the customer account that you created within your Threatrix Hybrid

  2. Navigate to ThreatScanon the top menu

  3. Select an account

  4. From the repository list, select repositories to scanned

  5. From the Branch drop down, select the branch to be scanned

  6. Select either Execute Threat Scan OR from the Scan Event drop down, select an event type on which to run scans. The following event types are available:

    1. Push: Run a scan whenever new code is pushed to the selected branch

    2. Pull Request [Reccomended]: Run a new scan whenever a pull request is created for this branch

    3. Manual: Allow users with the appropriate Github permissions to run the action manually from Github.

API GitHub repository scanning setup

See documentation for repository scanning setup through API.

Last updated